SULPHUR in 1. Sulphur Mineral The essential determination is that of the sulphur content. The sample should be as representative as possible of the bulk and should be at least 5 kilos, this being finely powdered and well mixed. Determination of the Moisture and of the Sulphur.—5-10 grams are heated in a porcelain dish at 100° to constant weight; the loss represents moisture. The dry sulphur is then placed in a filter-paper cartridge (finger) and extracted with pure carbon disulphide (free from residue) in a Soxhlet apparatus. The solution is evaporated carefully (carbon disulphide being inflammable) and the residue dried at 70-80° and weighed. This gives the sulphur content provided that the mineral contains no appreciable amount of bituminous substances. The latter are soluble in carbon disulphide and yield a brown or blackish deposit on the walls and bottom of the vessel (see Crude sulphur, i). In such case the sulphur in the extract is determined by one of the follow- ing methods 1: (a) FRESENIUS AND BECK'S METHOD. This method requires at least 10 grams of residue (sulphur and bitumen) from the carbon disulphide extract. 8-10 grams of the residue are weighed into a porcelain crucible glazed inside and outside, this crucible being then placed inside a second only slightly larger, immersed to its rim in a sand-bath. The temperature of the sand is then maintained at 200-220° for 7-8 hours and the crucible weighed when cool. After a further hour's heating, the crucible is again weighed, this being repeated until no loss of weight occurs. The loss of weight at 200° represents the sulphur. The residue in the crucible is then ignited until all carbonaceous matter disappears, the new loss of weight giving the bitumen. (b) MANZELLA AND LEVI'S METHOD. This method requires a conical flask of about 100 c.c., with a ground-in air-condenser tube 40 cm. long and 6 mm. bore, the whole being of Jena glass. 0-2 gram of the residue from the carbon disulphide extraction is weighed into the flask, the tube fitted into place and the flask immersed in cold water. Through the inclined tube, 10 c.c. of fuming nitric acid (D = 1-52) and 5 drops of bromine are introduced and the flask shaken until most of the sulphur and bromine are dissolved, 5 c.c. of fuming nitric acid being then added and the flask again shaken for some time. The flask is then heated gently (the water not boiling) in a water-bath for about half an hour. The flask is again immersed in the cold water and 50 c.c. of cold water added, by the tube, drop by drop to avoid any violent evolution of red vapourt. The solution is then transferred to a porcelain dish together with the wash- ings of the flask and tube and evaporated to a small volume, a few drops of cone, hydrochloric acid being added and the liquid again evaporated. The residue is taken up in water'and made up to 400-500 c.c. in a beaker, the solution being heated to boiling with i c.c. of cone, hydrochloric acid and 5% barium chloride solution in slight excess added drop by drop and with 1 M. G. Levi: "Methods of Analysis of Sulphur" (Ann. di chim. applic., 1915, i, p. 9). r are dissolved in nitric acid, 250 c.c. of ammonia being